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  • Towards a Greener Tomorrow
  • Our Ethics

    Driven by Ethics

    A Strong Ethical Framework is one of the three pillars on which Tata Power-DDL’s success has been built. We constantly work towards strengthening the fabric of Ethics in the organisation that we all so proudly belong to.

    Our Core Values - Integrity, Agility, Responsibility, Excellence, Unity and Understanding are the guiding principles for us towards business integrity and prosperity, and equally apply to all our business partners and associates.

    The Tata Group has been led by a vision that places the greater good of society at par with business growth. Tata Power-DDL being a part of the Tata Group swears by the Tata Code of Conduct (TCoC) and strives to imbibe the values that drive us.

    Helpline No: 0008001004382 and 0008001008277 (Toll Free). Also accessible at normal domestic call rates within India: +91-11-71279005
    Online: www.tip-offs.com
    Postal address for physical mails: Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India LLP
    c/o Arjun Rajagopalan, Partner (Ethics Helpline Services)
    19th Floor, 46 - Prestige Trade Tower, Palace Road, High Grounds,
    Bengaluru, Karnataka – 560001

    As a team that strongly believes in Business Ethics, we make conscious efforts to keep improving along each of the Core Values that guide and govern our conduct. This helps us to emerge as responsible human beings. Roshni will guide and motivate you to adhere to Ethical Values regardless of the situation.