Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited (Tata Power-DDL), a leading power utility service provider to a populace of around 9 million in North and Northwest Delhi, is committed to provide quality power supply to its bona fide customers and also pursuits to scour social menace i.e. theft of electricity, as it not only leads to higher Technical & Commercial Losses of DISCOMS, which are often passed on to legitimate consumer in the form of higher tariff, but also endangers lives.
In its quest towards societal responsibility, the Tata Power – DDL inspected a premise at Village Parhlad Pur Banger and found residents indulged in direct theft of electricity and, thus, booked them for the offence under Section 135 of Indian Electricity Act. Subsequently, an FIR was filed with Shahbad Dairy Police Station under sections 341/509/379/536/186/353/34 of the IPC and under Section 135 of the said Act.
The case was tried in the court of Hon’ble Judge Shri Prashant Kumar, ASJ,Special Court, Rohini. In the judgement delivered recently, the Hon’ble Judge found both accused Jagbir Dagar and Jagphool guilty under section 135 of the Electricity Act (Theft of Electricity), section 341 of the IPC (Punishment for wrongful restraint), section 186 IPC (Obstructing public servant in discharge of public functions), section 353 of the IPC – (Assault or criminal force to deter public servant from discharge of his duty), section 509 of the IPC (Word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman) and section 34 of the IPC (Common intention and joint criminal liability).
Commenting on development, Chief Commercial, Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited said, “We are actively using all the available provisions/ tools to drive behavioural changes against power theft. This conviction sends a strong message that power theft is a theft of the nation’s resources and will be dealt with strictly under the law.”
About Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited:
Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited is a joint venture between Tata Power and the Government of NCT of Delhi. Tata Power-DDL distributes electricity in North Delhi and serves a populace of around 9 million. Tata Power-DDL has been a frontrunner in implementing power distribution reforms and is acknowledged for its consumer-friendly practices. Since privatization, the Aggregate Technical & Commercial (AT&C) losses in Tata Power-DDL areas have shown a record decline. Today, AT&C losses stand at 5.9%, which is an unprecedented reduction from an opening loss level of 53% in July 2002. To learn more about Tata Power-DDL, please visit www.tatapower-ddl.com