Praveer Sinha

Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited

Praveer Sinha holds a Masters of Business Law from National Law School, Bangalore and is also professionally trained as an Electrical Engineer. He has nearly 30 years' experience in developing and setting up of green field projects in India and abroad and has been at the helm of running successfully a Public utility service in the National Capital City of New Delhi. Praveer is the Chief Executive Officer & Executive Director of Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd. (formerly NDPL). Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited (TPDDL) is a Public Private Partnership of Tata Power and Govt. of Delhi and has attained several benchmarked milestones. He is on the Board of three Joint Venture Companies of The Tata Power Company Limited.

Praveer has been instrumental in implementing power distribution reforms and innovative technology initiatives in the northern part of capital city, Delhi (impacting more than 13 lakhs consumers and around 60 lakhs population). One of the key achievements of introducing these has been a record 80% reduction in Aggregate, Technical and Commercial losses to the present 11%, providing 24/7 power supply to consumers with 99.5% availability and excellence in customer services to the power consumers. Due to its unparalleled achievements TPDDL has received national and international recognition such as the "Best Power Utility of Asia" for the last seven consecutive years (i.e. 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013) by Asian Power, Singapore, the Edison Award in 2008 by Edison Electric Institute, USA for innovative Implementation of GIS technology, BSC Hall of Fame 2008 and 'Advocacy Excellence Award 2009' by Edison Electric Institute, USA.

Praveer has also been involved in developing and implementing nearly 10,000 MW of Power Generation Projects both Greenfield and Brownfield Power plants across different states in India especially in Jharkhand, Orissa, Karnataka and West Bengal. Apart from these, he has been actively involved in developing Hydro Projects in Nepal, Bhutan and India. Praveer was instrumental for commissioning of four power plants totaling 1400 MW in Jharkhand & West Bengal apart from another 1200 MW imported coal based plant in Udupi, Karnataka.

His in-depth knowledge in project execution, project financing, project clearances and approvals including tie up of fuel across the value chain has helped him to successfully implement many of these projects thereby bringing about huge socio-economic development and change in these backward areas.

Praveer has been an ardent supporter and practitioner of working with Government and Government companies under Public Private Partnership. The setting up of the 1050 MW Maithon project in Jharkhand was done along with DVC – a Government of India undertaking. Similarly, the 124 MW Dagachhu Hydro project was with Bhutan Government – the only Public Private Project in Bhutan. The present Delhi distribution is in partnership with the Government of Delhi. Praveer's acumen, excellence in management skills with dexterity in networking with statutory authorities, including liasoning with state government officials and other development partners makes him a champion of doing work jointly with Government and Regulatory authorities.

He has been on the forefront of policy advocacy for making the Power sector – mainly Power Distribution and Generation sustainable. He is Co-Chairing the focused CII Regional Committee on Power Reforms & Renewable Energy and has been an active member for the last two decades. Praveer has also held positions of Chairman & Vice President of various trade bodies like CII, Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce etc.

As the CEO & ED of TPDDL, Praveer plays an active role in development and implementation of the organization's CSR strategy and initiatives. He is very closely and personally involved with the CSR initiatives that have been introduced in Delhi. TPDDL has implemented their CSR activities in 220 JJ colonies (Slums) (covering nearly 10 lakhs population) in North Delhi including running 150 Women Adult Literacy centres and five Vocational training centres. These centres provide women empowerment, skill training in tailoring, beautician courses, computer courses, personality development, and training for hospitality and retail chains apart from remedial tutorial classes for school children.

Praveer's deep commitment to empower people has transformed the lives of nearly 30,000 people on an annual basis. Praveer is also a champion for affirmative action and provides tremendous support and guidance to nearly 3,000 students per year from Scheduled Caste and Tribes by providing them with books, stationery, scholarships, tutorial classes and guidance for employment which have resulted in their empowerment and access to better living opportunities.

He also takes an active interest in sustainability and has been arranging and supporting plantation of nearly 20,000 trees annually across various parts of North Delhi including many schools, Government establishments like CRPF and ITBP campus, etc. Praveer has also been instrumental in introducing the concept of establishing Energy Clubs in 190 schools (140 Government and 50 Private schools) where information regarding energy conservation principles, climate change and the need to reduce carbon footprint is shared with the children.

Praveer has worked very closely with the communities living around the power plants namely the local land users. His strength lies in his expertise in handling complex and sensitive issues related to land acquisition, rehabilitation facilities and CSR initiatives in a humane manner. He has provided tremendous support to the communities by facilitating and ensuring proper rehabilitation, alternate employment opportunities, including providing retraining of skills and support and counseling with the readjustment. His empathy and love for the people helped him in developing a life-long bond and relationship with the local people. Praveer has been instrumental in setting up the only Greenfield project in Jharkhand (during 2007-2011) at a time when in nearby areas, there were violent oppositions to the establishment of other Industries/plants.

Praveer has been working closely with children, men and women as part of the child education program (this program covered nearly 16,000 students including 50% girl students in 280 schools and thereby eliminating child labour common in coal mining areas). He has been encouraging and providing information and support for practicing scientific farming practices thereby improving yields by 100%. Praveer has introduced skill enhancement programs and created innovative employment opportunities and entrepreneurship opportunities which helped him to set up the power plant with full cooperation and support of local people.

His deep knowledge and understanding of Power sector makes him a regular speaker in seminars/workshops/panel discussions in India and abroad.

Praveer's professional strengths are a combination of diverse experience in working in the remote areas/States nationally and also with internationally collaborative projects. He brings with him a wealth of knowledge and experience in successfully implementing power projects as also power distribution services which have created opportunities and empowered the local communities.